Marketing & Listing Rentals

Is Wi-Fi Important as an Amenity?

Landlords want the best rentals for tenants especially in competitive markets. Offering a wifi amenity may be a good option.

How to Post Your Rental on Zillow

Are you looking to get your rental vacancies filled quicker than ever? RentRedi now has a partnership so you can post your rental on Zillow!

5 Tips for Staging Rentals

When you’re looking to show prospective tenants that your rental property is their next home, staging rentals can help applicants get a real feel for the space.

7 Tips for Showing a Rental Property

Have you always wondered what the best way for showing a rental property is? We’re here with all the answers and a few valuable tips!

How Much Can I Rent My House For?

”How much can I rent my house for?” is an important question for landlords. You should factor in the 1% rule, condition of the property, and market value to answer.