Best Paint Colors for Every Room, According to Science

Choosing the best paint colors for every room of your rental might seem like an easy thing to do. Just go with the colors you like the best, right? While this is not a bad strategy, some tones work better than others according to the function of the space. 

For example, a bright orange might be too much for the bedroom, where you are supposed to relax. However, it can be a great option for the kitchen or even the office. Scientists have gone to the trouble of finding out which colors are best for each space. You might want to follow their advice on this one!

Best Paint Colors for the Bedroom

The bedroom is usually where you go when you want to relax and get some rest after a long day. Some people even see it as their refuge, with it being the most private space they have in their home. Therefore, the last thing you need is to include colors that are going to get your mind running. Instead, aim for colors that help you feel calm and relaxed.

A color that stands out as a great option for your bedroom is blue. Blue projects feelings of protection and serenity, something that adds to that concept of refuge and safe space the bedroom provides. A great thing is that you don’t have to go with the paler blue options for it to have this effect. For example, if you’re home remodeling, try using a combination of darker and lighter blues to achieve a special effect.

Another color that has been linked to feeling calmer is pink. This might not be the best option for everyone, but experiments ran in prisons showed that pink helped lower aggression among inmates. If your job has you connecting with your more aggressive feelings due to competitiveness and stress, then pink might be a good option for you. 

Last but not least, if you are expecting a baby then you might want to consider a gender-neutral color for the nursery, something that is very much in trend lately. Green is a great option as it has warm undertones and it reminds people of nature. Also, this is another color you should consider even for your bedroom as it also provides a sense of calmness while being elegant. 

Best Paint Colors for the Kitchen

The kitchen can be a fun space where you allow your creativity to run wild. Interestingly, certain colors might influence how your food tastes! That’s right, yellow has been described as a color that stimulates appetite and also has an effect on your energy. By painting your kitchen yellow, you might be helping yourself and other family members to start the day on the right foot. This motivation can make all the difference, especially for those who hate waking up early!

If your kitchen is connected to the dining room, then you might want to consider going for red. You don’t have to put it on every surface! But a statement wall all in red can have a great effect on both the perception of how the food tastes and on having a good time while eating! It has been observed that going for red has a significant effect on the fluidity of conversations when you are having guests for dinner. 

Best Paint Colors for the Home Office

With many landlords and tenants working remotely these days, the color of your home office is very important! Different colors can have an effect on your creativity, innovative thoughts, and they can even stimulate your imagination. One of these is orange, which is a definite energy booster. One of the great things about this color is that while it provides warmth, it also makes the space brighter and more exciting. This is also a great color for when you need a bit of extra motivation.

It might seem counterintuitive, but just like blue is perfect for relaxing in the bedroom, it can also have a positive effect as part of the palette in your home office! This is because studies have linked it to increased creativity. If you have a job that requires you to use your imagination as much as possible, then blue might be the color for you.

Another great home office color? Lavender! You won’t want to go with a dark purple so be careful. Lavender can have a great role in inspiring creativity and it provides a sense of cleanliness and order without having to go with the more traditional white.

Lastly, green also appears again. In this case, green has been linked to innovation by scientific studies so it is a great choice if you want to let the brain juices flow. At the same time, that natural connection evoked by this color can be of great help during stressful times at work. 

Best Paint Colors for the Living Room

Warm colors are great for promoting conversation and a sense of companionship. This is why scientists recommend warm tones when it comes to your living room. Aside from a feeling of coziness and comfort, people will also feel more connected to each other. 

Another color that might look great when used correctly is gray. The great thing about this color is that it inspires serenity, something that comes in handy during family reunions.  Plus, you can combine it with other colors, using a light gray to help the other color stand out even more. An extra point for gray? It is often associated with good taste and sophistication, especially when it has violet undertones. 

Best Paint Colors for the Bathroom

Last but not least, the bathroom is a place that is often neglected when it comes to colors. However, you can do a lot more with it than just go with a classic white. A great way to do this is by choosing cold grays, which add a touch of something different to this space.

Also, combinations such as greens with blue undertones can achieve a unique effect that will make this space a more special one. 

Author’s Bio

Claire Zimmerman is a content marketing specialist at Allstate Service Group. Having almost 9 years of experience in home improvement, Claire is keen on sharing her knowledge on home design and renovation with others, especially HVAC, air filtration, and water damage issues. Claire’s articles are informative and entertaining, written both for homeowners and experienced contractors.