Why Renters Insurance is Important for Tenants
Renters insurance is important for tenants and landlords as it covers damage to renters’ personal belongings and liability that landlord insurance does not.
Renters insurance is important for tenants and landlords as it covers damage to renters’ personal belongings and liability that landlord insurance does not.
Online property management software can make your life easier but there are four factors to consider: ease of use, affordability, scalability, and features.
From deep cleaning to swapping out old hardware, you can refresh your rentals and properties with easy, cost-effective with these summer DIY projects.
Managing your properties from home is a new set of challenges to your rental business. Make sure you set up a structured environment + more working from home tips.
If you want to manage your rentals remotely and reduce in-person meetings, use a landlord-tenant software for mobile rent, listings, screenings, and maintenance requests.
Wondering what the best system of lock turnover is when it comes to getting units new-tenant ready? We review 3 of the most popular methods to help you decide!
Getting rid of cigarette smoke from a home or apartment is a process. So, if a tenant has smoked inside, you might be in for a long few days of getting rid of the smell.
At a snail’s pace: the top 6 things that are slowing your rental business to a crawl (costing you time and money) and how to fix them.
If you travel for business (or for the beach), a property management app can help you manage your rentals on the go.
Technology can help landlords manage their business more effectively with a new and innovative method of managing maintenance requests: with video.
When considering which pet policy to adopt as a landlord, it’s important to consider all the factors.
We’ve compiled a list of the most common mistakes landlords say they make as a first-time landlord!