How RentRedi is Optimized for Mobile
RentRedi’s Landlord Mobile App allows landlords to effectively complete a variety of essential property management tasks remotely, in addition to the web dashboard.
RentRedi’s Landlord Mobile App allows landlords to effectively complete a variety of essential property management tasks remotely, in addition to the web dashboard.
The idea for RentRedi started with CEO and CTO, Ryan Barone wanting to build sleeker technology for landlords and tenants.
Through the interest and adoption of property management apps and landlord-tenant software, we’ve seen a significant increase in RentTech usage.
Collecting rent in-person is difficult. If you’ve been looking for the opportunity to modernize your rental business, mobile rent payments are the way to go.
From tenant screening to rent collection—every step of the landlord process can become a hurdle. Learn how to set up an effective rent collection process.
With a rise in technology and younger renters, some landlords consider offering wifi as an amenity. However, is it efficient or cost-effective?
The best way to collect rent payments for landlords? RentRedi, of course! With RentRedi, rent payments have never been easier to manage.